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Registration is open for II Training on youth advocacy at local level in Sweden

The second International training on youth advocacy will take place in Göteborg, Swedenin Marhc 29- Aprill 1th 2023 . The main topic of the event will be discovering youth avocacy on local level and interrelated issues with you participation in the local democracy in school, local youth city council, decision and policy making from the prspective of youth. Namely, it includes questions of availability for young people to be equal partner for local governments and institutions when on the table youth policy questions and youth participation in the field of leasure time, youth empowerment, education and volunteer work, equal opportunities and chances for professional success. Besides, the core of discussion dedicated to the inclusion of youth people and other vulnerable groups into civil society and into adequate availability for the goods and services; facilitation of the youth and power holder dialogue, elaboration of the content of the Youth advocacy toolkit content (an integral part of each meeting).

The event is welcoming for representatives of young people and NGO’s across Nordic and Estonia, experts, researchers, policymakers, and people involved in field of youth work, It aims to crate open and inspiring dialogues, sharing experiences, and create certain practices, youthwork, educational, cultural techniques for the future, and formulate recommendations for public policies, which will facilitate more complex inclusion and cohesion through work with children, young people, and vulnerable groups.  

Registration will be opened on 1st of March 2023 at 10am (GMT+3).