Sillamäe Lastekaitse Ühing / Sillamäe Society for Child Welfare (Estonia)
During these years SSCW has been working actively towards creating a child and youth friendly environment in our society. Each year we have broadened the reach of our activities to initiate broad based and society wide noticeable initiatives/programmes (integration, culture, education, youth work, development cooperation, human & child rights, entrepreneurship, volunteer work, migrants adaptation, family issues). SSCW has conducted more than 250 projects not only on the country level, but lately on an international level including with partners across Europe and elsewhere.
Three decades ago, it started as a regional level organization and has become an recognized organisation which is capable of successfully carrying out projects on local, national and International level. SSCW is a member of various international networks/organisations (EAPN, ALF, AMATEO, Roundtable for Development cooperation etc), also belongs to governmental ECDC joint committee and has a consultative status at UN ECOSOC council.
Femina RY (Finland)
Femina aims to achieve more sustainable and fair society by developing the professional, business, and leadership potential of women through mentoring, networking, skill-building, advocacy and assistance to the people in need and advancing education to all. We run workshops, trainings, seminars and information days, teaching people practical skills, and important aspects of women and vulnerable people socialization & integration in society. We tackle gender-based violence and promote human rights and legal system in Finland, accounting matters and providing information to assist them in setting up their lifes. We empower women to be more active in politics and have a positive impact on local level by training entrepreneurship skills. For children and youth we provide vocational education, like drama and music lessons, youth camps and debates etc. Expertise of our Finnish partner in promoting SDGs and empowerment of civil society and other stake holders confirmed by our positive experience in previous projects and experts engaged as in cultural cooperation, youth and gender equality empowerment, support of sustainable development. Partner has an experience working with minorities and organisations who support civil society development at local level.

Burgårdens Gymnasium (Sweden)
Burgårdens Gymnasium is an upper secondary school in Göteborg with mainly vocational training for young people, aged 16-19, with around 1000 students. Students can choose between for instance programs that educate nursery attendants, security, fashion design, hairdressers, make-up artists or animal keepers. We have an introduction program for young immigrants where they can work with the aim of entering a vocational training program within 2 years´ time. There is also the option of combining theoretical studies with internship two days every week as an apprentice. About 60% of the students have an immigrant background. Some have arrived in Sweden with their parents as refugees, others were born in Sweden. Many students have special difficulties in learning (anxiety disorder, attention deficit, autism, dyslexia or dyscalculia). The teachers therefore work in teams where they develop new training methods that better fit this group of students than traditional education.
Porsgrunn Kulturskole (Norway)
Porsgrunn Cultural School is a public school owned by Porsgrunn Municipality, and have more than 800 students. The students are mainly from 6-19 years, and study music, dance, theater and visual arts. Porsgrunn Cultural School have more than 30 teachers, and they teach also in kindergardens, primary and secondary school. The School has a wide cooperation with the volunteer arts organisations in Porsgrunn, and are hevily invested in development of all arts in the region and nationwide.
Porsgrunn Cultural School is one of the largest arrangers in the region, and offer a wide variation of concerts, performances and exibitions during the year for inhabitants in Porsgrunn.

Folkevirke (Denmark)
Folkevirke is a cross-party organisation with circles throughout the country where cultural, social and political subjects are brought up for discussion. Project days and excursions are planned and presented by Folkevirke. In several local Folkevirke circles literary subjects are regularly discussed. In most cases the books are presented by a member of the literary circle, but in some cases the author in person is presented at the meeting. For many years Folkevirke has arranged meetings between children and grandparents, who spend a week together during the school holidays in October (week 42). The activities offered by Folkevirke are being developed in close cooperation with active members of the organisation. So in case you have a good idea, don’t hesitate to contact us, and together we will find out if it can be carried out.