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I training on youth advocacy and leadership in Estonia

I International training on youth advocacy and leadership is taking place in Tallinn/Narva , Estonia 2-5th February 2023.

Already in one weeks the first international training will gather young people, youth workers,, NGO’s, young politicians, and high-level experts working with vulnerable groups. The main goals of this traning is to learn the necessary knowledge in the field and also gain practical experience through four key areas that have proven to be key challenges in the process of promoting youth advocacy: youth leadership development, advocacy education, strengthening youth associations and civil society, and youth involvement and participation in decision-making processes. 

The partners representative and invited exprets will learn and discuss the current yourh policy trends and challanges in improvement of youth participation and engagement in decision making process, also they will propose own vision and new strategies for youth advocacy in own countries, share the experiences and come up with real suggestions for improvement of youth policies on local and European levels.

The event consists of three parts: First part is a a skills session providing basic knowledge on youth advocacy and leadership, what also will covering the skills needed to be a good advocator and build your own advocacy campaigns. The second part of the training will be dedicated to gaining practical experience by visiting different institutions that promote/support and help youth work and work on behalf of young people. The final part of the training session will address the issues facing young people in each partner country, what are the common challenges that could be addressed through joint efforts, and how to link and use advocacy methods to promote awareness of these issues. This will be complemented by strategic discussions with experts, exercises and group work to use the Nordic cooperation perspective to exchange experiences and best practices on how to initiate change (organise campaigns, etc.) and to create a comparative perspective for future solutions.

The result of the training session will be reflected in the final document Youth Advocacy Statement. Registration for online participation is open until 1st of February 2023. Please register yourself here:

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