Nordic and Estonian participants provided constructive knowledge and skills about the concept and practice of advocacy training from public speaking, presentation, advocacy strategies and other such skills.

The training was conducted by highly professional experts and young people who shared their own experience and knowledge with young people. Training themes were delivered by Vassili Golikov (Sillamäe Society for Child Welfare, Estonia), Susanne Kallanvaara (Burgårdens Gymnasium, Sweden), GermanMorris (Ehte HG), Laura Maria Rajala (Femina RY), Adele Mathisen and Karina Gullberg-Vinje (Sosialistisk Ungdom).

The Second section of the training session wad dedicated to gain practical experience by visiting various institutions who promote/help and contribute to the Youth Work and works in Youth interests.

The Final section of the training session covers the issues facing young people in each of the partner countries, what joint problems exist that could be resolved through joint effort and how to relate and use methods of advocacy to advance awareness on these issues. This is supplemented through strategic dialogue discussions with experts, exercises and group work in order to use the Nordic cooperation angle to exchange experiences and best practices on how to initiate change (organise campaigns etc) and create a comparative perspective on developing solutions for the future. Each training session follows the same structure but addresses the core topics on the different levels of operation detailed above to ensure comprehensive review of the topic.