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International conference

“Youth Advocay Alliance “YOUTH NOT AS A PROBLEM, BUT THE SOLUTION!” aims to raise awareness across youth organisations of the Nordic & Baltic Sea Region about the benefits of youth advocacy and the youth advocacy network. The project aims to create a sustainable “Youth Advocacy Alliance” network that brings together youth, non-governmental youth organisations (CSOs), decision makers of the Nordic & Baltic Sea Region to share experiences and combat joint challenges faced by young people of today in the regions.

The aim of the conference is to explore the implementation of the Child and youth participation strategies during crisis and recommendations for decision makers in the Nordic region and to raise awareness about the importance of involving youth people and vulnerable groups fully in the decision making process at different levels and to support youth communities in exercising their rights and responsibilities in society and enhance their feeling of belonging to the community, both local and European (Nordic-Baltic).

The Youth Conference will be a series of events that will happen during 3-days and will include an intensive program of official discussions in frame of international conference*, workshops conducted by international partners and local hosts, study visits and development of new project proposals plus networking. Special attention will be dedicated to presentation of Youth Advocacy toolkit prepared by international partners in frame of the project programm what will be one of the major outcomes of the program, together with youth local Citizens’ action plans, which will be submitted to the Nordic Council and various national, international and governmental organizations, and the media.

Key words: youth, vulnerable groups, youth rights, adcocacy, politic, decision making,, crisis, youth policy making in Nordi-Baltic, nonformal education, participation, civil society and its challenges, innovation, inclusion, working bottom up, best practices and successful cooperation, interdisciplinary work.

Date and place: 2nd – 4th of June 2023 in Porsgrunn Culture School

Participants: up to 50 participants (up to 25 from Nordic countries and Estonia & 25 from Norway) from local & international organizations representatives, experts, guests, students/youth, interested organizations/institutions and NGOs leaders, networks, and individuals representing youth field and vulnerable groups.

Participating countries: Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Estonia.

Official languages: English

*International conference will be run in hybrid format and Zoom link will be provided only to officially registered participants. Registration deadline for Norwegian participants is 30th of May 2023. An online participation will start on 2 and 3rd of June 2023 at 10.00 am (CET).

An International Conference “Youth is a solution, not a problem” with speakers from across Nordic-Baltic region and Nordic institutions. The conference provides the main platform for stimulating discussion and presentation of Nordic Youth Advocacy toolkit and young people feed back on challanges during the crises period.

Components of the conference:

  • Key note speeches by international experts in the field of youth participation and decision making policy in Nordic region, civil society, social cohesion, policy and action plan on mainstreaming sustainable development, gender equality, child rights and youth perspective etc.  – The aim is to introduce the themes to all participants (as the event is open to all) and further elaborate on the continued relevance of these themes.
  • Panel discussion sessions, these panel discussions include representatives of many different backgrounds who will highlight the usefulness of creating a comparative perspective, being open to ideas from other countries (regions), and finding common goals and policy approaches.
  • Practical workshops/meetings for participants to introduce them to new skills and knowledge held by partner representatives & invited guests facilitate new partnerships and stimulate a creation of “Youth Advocacy Alliance network creation”. Development of new initiatives will be generated by international and local partners. (Workshop agenda for organizations/individuals related with strengthening cohesion for more inclusive and socially sustainable Nordic regions are published on webpage).
  • Opening and closing ceremonies
  • Youth and Civil Society fairs
  • Workshops
  • Concert performances
  • Other side events…

Components of the international conference:

  • Key note speeches by international experts in the field of youth engagement, policy making, youth and power relations etc.  – The aim is to introduce the themes to all participants (as the event is open to all) and further elaborate on the continued relevance of these themes
  • Panel discussion sessions, these panel discussions include representatives of many different backgrounds who will highlight the usefulness of creating a comparative perspective, being open to ideas from other countries (regions), and finding common goals and policy approaches.

VENUES: Porsgrunn Culture School and VIC HOTEL.


31.05-01.06.2023Arrival &
Opening ceremony
02.06.2022Youth fair
(Digital on webpage
and Porsgrunn Culture School)
Skills workshops
Porsgrunn Culture School
International Conference
Porsgrunn Culture School
Culture Evening
Hotel VIC
03.06.2022Youth fair
(Digital on webpage
and Porsgrunn Culture School)
Skills workshops
(Venue TBA)
International Conference
and Networking & Colloboration Day
(Porsgrunn Culture School)
04.06.2023Closing of the conference and the project
(Porsgrunn Culture School)


Youth fair (Venue: )

Youth fair (Venue: Porsgrunn culture, school Dance hall) – The Fair is a unique opportunity to explore and learn about the youth, the youth work and their histories and the civic activities that all come together to make our community so wonderful. Take your time as you go through the fair, talk with everyone, explore everything.

The Fair is about sharing and learning. For example, ask about youth local and national activities, traditional favourite food and cultures communities. Ask what they notice as similar and different between cultures. Ask about favourite family stories or stories of their culture. Ask about their holidays and celebrations. Decide to approach people and things that are different from you and learn about them.

The Fair embraces the richness of diversity in our community and we ask you to do so as well with respect for each other, and joy in having a time to do this.

Wear comfortable shoes and clothing as you will be exploring and maybe dancing a bit to the entertainment.

Find more on:

International conference (Venue: )

International conference YOUTH NOT AS A PROBLEM, BUT THE SOLUTION! on the 2nd – 4th of June 2023 provides the main platform for stimulating discussion and presentation of Youth Advocacy toolkit and feedback on youth challanges during the crises.

It will be organised as key event of the project in order to discuss on high level of participation of young people in decision making process, youth activism, inclusion and empowerment of youth groups.

Conference will connect a unique Nordic-Baltic regional network of practitioners, civil society organisations, policy-makers, media and international donors, united to create together real change in the youth participation and inclusion policies and support civil society though building dialogue and mutual understanding.

During conference participants will be able to hear inspiring keynote speakers, share knowledge and have some new experiences, meet and speak with inspiring colleagues, Government and Non-governmental organisations, Researchers and professionals from all over Nordic-Baltic. 

Read more about conference on:

Skills workshops sessions and Study visits

There will be two skills workshop sessions which are organised by international and local partners. Skills workshop session is divided by the themes related with necessary skills for the members of vulnerable groups like communication, creativity, socialisation, mental health, networking, intercultural training, people perceptions and inclusion, Cross-Cultural coaching, concept of Human Rights, creating social change & sustainability, and many others.

Organiser will provide an opportunity to visit Norwegian Civil Society organisations and networks working with vulnerable groups’ representatives.

Read more and select your workshop on

Culture program

Culture program includes various of events what will be happening during the festival. For example: opening and closing ceremonies, visits of museums, ability to discover Oslo/Porsgrunn concert programm, traditions and food, get closer with Nordic people and its history.

A special culture programm will be organised on the 3rd of June 2023 where you could see inspiring parade and performances and art forms made/performed by Nordic young people.

Networking and collaboration days (all day long) – All invited international and local participants, officials and delegates are inspired to share their own experience, best practices and own ideas about existing challenges and possible solutions. Networking days will provide a space for participants to conduct productive meeting and generate positive results like new initiative what could be supported by Nordic Council, European Commission or governments.  It’s a great opportunity to get to know each other, find a potential partner and design own local or international action project and join with European network of intercultural actors.

The project “Youth Advocacy Alliance” is co-funded by Nordic Culture Point and the institution of the Nordic Council of Ministers.