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Intercultural dialogue & Anti-discrimination strategies”

THIRD PUBLIC DEBATE in Barcelona, Spain 15th – 18th of September 2021

Overview of public debate

Key words: vulnerable groups, human rights, intercultural dialogue and exchange, policymaking in EU, anti-discrimination policies, civil society and its challenges, innovation, inclusion, working bottom-up, best practices and successful cooperation, interdisciplinary work.

The public debate will be a two-day event that will include an intensive program of official discussions, workshops, training, study visits, project proposals, and the development of content for an independent European Report on the situation with refugees, migrants, and minorities in different social life sectors.

Date and place: 15th – 18th of September 2021 in Barcelona, Spain

Participants: up to 35 participants (up to 10 from Spain and up to 25 international participants on-site or online) from international organizations representatives, experts, guests, students/youth, interested organizations/institutions and NGOs leaders, networks, and individuals representing vulnerable groups.

Participating countries: Estonia, Latvia, Sweden, Spain, Portugal and Slovakia

Official languages: English

hybrid meeting format Zoom link will be provided only to officially registered participants. An online participation will start on 16th of September 2021 at 10.00 am (CET).

Components of the public debate

Key note speeches by international experts in the field of intercultural dialogue and anti discrimination policies in EU, civil society, inclusion of vulnerable groups, countering violent extremism, racism and xenophobia and Euromed perspective  – The aim is to introduce the themes to all participants (as the event is open to all) and further elaborate on the continued relevance of these themes.

Panel discussion sessions, these panel discussions include representatives of many different backgrounds who will highlight the usefulness of creating a comparative perspective, being open to ideas from other countries (regions), and finding common goals and policy approaches.

Practical working groups/workshops for participants to introduce them to new skills and knowledge with final cooperation results. (Workshop agenda for organizations/individuals related with strengthening cohesion and enforcing an intercultural dialogue for more inclusive Europe)

Public debates agenda

Wednesday 15th of September 2021

Arrival and registration of the European delegates
Accommodation: Holiday Inn Express Barcelona – City 22
20:00 – 21:30 Dinner ApriBocca or Can Requesens (Poblenou)
21:30 – Optional Cultural programme

Thursday 16th of September

Organiser: AHEAD- Association of Human Rights Educators.
Venue address: La Fede – Federation of Organisations for the Social Justice carrer Tàpies 3, 08001 Barcelona

09:00 -09:30 Arrival and registration

09:30 – 10:00 Official Opening and welcome words

  • Mr. Xavier Baró, President of the Association of Human Rights Educators – AHEAD
  • Ms. Georgina Casas, Coordinator of the Migration Group of the Federation of Organisations for the Global Justice

Round of Presentation of the European and Local delegates

10.00 -10:30 Introduction key note on Intercultural Dialogue and Anti-Discrimination

  • Intercultural dialogue and anti-discrimination dialogue in Sweden, including the perspective of vulnerable groups – Ms. Anna Lisa Starkova, Lund University (Sweden)

10.30 – 11.00 Break

11:30 – 12:30 Best Practices on Intercultural Dialogue and Anti-Discrimination

  • CARE. Cultural Action for Refugees in Europe – Mr. Adriano Amorosi, Coordinator of Eurocivis
  • Anti-discrimination strategies in Portugal – Mr. António Pacheco, representative of CulturFACE – Associação Cultural
  • Projects supporting inclusion of young migrants – Ms. Anna Elia Ramon. CEHDA Ghana
  • Best practices in Swedish society on the example of Lund University – Mr. John Esplin
  • How to improve intercultural dialogue by working with vulnerable groups” – Mr. Egidijs Barakauskis and Gita Miruskina representatives of Shelter Safe House, Latvia
  • Expressions in Dialogue: Living Libraries for Inclusion – Ms. Ljubov Lissina, Association of Human Rights Educators – AHEAD

12.30 – 13.00 Creation of the Expert Groups

Creating the working groups of experts with delegates and civil society organisations working on inclusion

13.30 – 15.00 Lunch (Restaurant Norai Drassanes)

15:00 – 15:30 Registration to the European Institute of the Mediterranean

Venue: European Institute of the Mediterranean
Address: Carrer Girona, 20 8010 Barcelona

15:30 – 16:30 Intercultural Dialogue in the Mediterranean

Welcoming words by the European Institute of the Mediterranean

Migration Policies for newcomers – Mr. Xavier Aragall, Migration’s expert of the European Institute of the Mediterranean (TBC)

16:30 – 17:00 Break

17:00 – 18:00 Intercultural Dialogue and Anti-Discrimination in Barcelona

City Council Policies supporting Inclusion – Ms. Paula Arce Becerra, Non Discrimination office of the Barcelona City Council (TBC)

Dialogue with Municipality of Barcelona – Mr. Albert Fages González, Coordinador of the Non Discrimination office of the Barcelona City Council (TBC)

18:00 – 19:00 Sharing European Inclusion practices

Inclusion experiences in Estonia and EU funding opportunities – Ms. Renate Gross, Coordinator of the Citizens, equality, rights and value programm of Estonia National Foundation of Civil Society

Human Rights Institute contribution to the promotion of intercultural dialogue and supporting anti-discrimination strategies in Slovakian society – Peter Weisenbacher and Martina Krizanova, Human Rights Institute, Slovakia

19:00 – 19:30 Conclusions and closing

20:00 – 21:30 Dinner

AHEAD- Association of Human Rights Educators.
Venue address: La Fede – Federation of Organisations for the Social Justice carrer Tàpies 3, 08001 Barcelona

09:00 -09:30 Arrival and registration

09:30 – 11:00 Recommendations on Intercultural Dialogue and Anti-Discrimination

Expert groups working on the recommendations on Intercultural Dialogue and Anti-Discrimination

11:00- 11:30 Break

11:30- 13:00 Contributions to the European Report

Developing and gathering data for content of European report in six working groups and particularly on the theme of the meeting. So there are discussions on all 6 major subjects and directly on the topic of the public discussions.

13.30 – 15.00 Lunch (Restaurant Norai Drassanes)

Venue address: EUROPEAN COMMISSION European Parliament Office
Passeig de Gràcia, 90, 1rst 08008 Barcelona

15:30 – 16:00 Welcome and Introduction to the Inclusion work of the European Commission

Conference for the Future of Europe

Ms. Laura Rahola, Communication Officer of the European Commission office in Barcelona

16:00 – 17:00 Dialogue with the European institutions European Commission Inclusion: Intercultural Dialogue and Anti-Discrimination

  • Ms. Esther Pozo, Policy Assistant to the Commissioner for Home Affairs of the European Commission.

17:00 – 17:30 Questions and Dialogue

  • Mr. Sergi BARRERA, Head of the European Union Parliament office in Barcelona (TBC)

17.30 – 18.30 Conclusions and recommendations on Intercultural Dialogue and Anti-Discrimination

18:30 -19:00 Closing words by Representative of the Association of Human Rights Educators – AHEAD

20.30 – 22.00 Farewell dinner (Restaurant in La Barceloneta)

AHEAD- Association of Human Rights Educators.
Venue address: La Fede – Federation of Organisations for the Social Justice carrer Tàpies 3, 08001 Barcelona

09:00 -09:30 Arrival and registration

09:30 – 11.30 Recommendations on Intercultural Dialogue and Anti-Discrimination

Summary of the event with the rest of the group and closing the recommendations on Intercultural Dialogue and Anti-Discrimination

11:30 – 12:00 Evaluation and Closing

Departure of the European Delegates

Project is co-funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Europe for Citizens programme.