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Practical information


Participants are expected to travel from their country of residence to Oslo (Norway).

Arrival by bus from Oslo to Porsgrunn
You will use the train to get from the airport to the Porsgrunn. Train number RE11 goes from the airport to the Porsgrunn station. Please exit the train at the stop Porsgrunnl Station (2 h 31 min between Airport – Porsgrunnl Station). After traveling by train, you will need to turn left and walk 400 meters straightforward to Hotel Vic.

We advise using Bolt. It’s easy and affordable. Download the app, and you can see the fees by entering the destination. PS! It’s a bit challenging to get taxi on the street by waving them. Use the app instead.

Joint bus for confernce group Oslo – Porsgrunn – Oslo – Oslo airport
If you are traveling from Oslo, organisers is proposing free trasnportation for international and Norwegian participants traveling from Oslo. On the 1st of June 2023 at 17.30 pm all participants who is traveling to the conference will meet in front of Radisson Blu Plaza, Hotel, Oslo (Address: Sonja Henies plass 3, 0185 Oslo) to get on the bus what will go to Porsgrunn, Vic Hotel. Returning travel will be organised on the 4th of June 2023 at 9.00 am in front of Vic Hotel to Oslo city centre and Oslo Airport.
NB! DO NOT BE LATE, as bus cant wait for you!

If you are lost, please contact Ms. Laura Rajala, Logistics and Conference Officer, Tel. +358 404145844

Accommodation and food

Accommodation and subsistence (meals and coffee breaks) are covered for confirmed participants for the entire duration of the Conferece full programme (including international conference, workshops and other events) by the organizers.
The accommodation is provided in shared rooms in VIC hotel (Porsgrunn).

Subsistence (2 lunches, 3 dinners and coffee breaks) are covered on 1st, 2nd, and 3rd of June 2023 for all officially registered and confirmed participants.

Participants profile

The programm is open to local (Norwegian) & international partners organizations representatives, experts, guests, students/youth, interested organizations/institutions and NGOs leaders, networks, and individuals representing vulnerable groups.

Suitable profile of participants can be:

  • be aged 14-years or older
  • be ready to share their knowledge and experience in their institutional or organisational context.
  • be experienced in civil society organisation, education, culture and youth policy processes etc.
  • have multiplying effect (able to spread the outcome of the project events and International Conference and share it to their own school/ organisation and country).
  • be able to travel to Oslo/Porsgrunn on the 1st of June and depart on the 4th of June 2023.
  • be willing to actively contribute to the debates and are committed to take part in the whole duration of the project programm.
  • be able to work in English.