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“Setting into society and strengthening cohesion for more inclusive Europe”

FIRST PUBLIC DEBATE in Hamburg, Germany 1st – 4th of July 2021

Overview of public debate

Key words: vulnerable groups, human rights, social cohesion, policy making in EU, civil society and its challenges, innovation, inclusion, working bottom up, best practices and successful cooperation, interdisciplinary work.

The public debate will be a two-day event that will include an intensive program of official discussions, workshops, training, study visits, project proposals, and the development of content for independent European Report on the situation with refugees, migrants, and minorities in different social life sectors.

Date and place: 1st – 4th of July 2021 in Hamburg, Germany (Bramfelder Kulturladen e.V., Bramfelder Chaussee 265, Hamburg 22177, Germany)

Participants: up to 35 participants (up to 15 from Germany and up to 20 international participants on-site or online) from international organizations representatives, experts, guests, students/youth, interested organizations/institutions and NGOs leaders, networks, and individuals representing vulnerable groups.

Participating countries: Estonia, Sweden, Germany, Spain, Lithuania, Netherlands

Official languages: English and German

hybrid meeting format Zoom link will be provided only to officially registered participants. An online participation will start on 2nd of July 2021 at 10.00 am (CET).

Components of the public debate

Key note speeches by international experts in the field of integration and migration policy in EU,  civil society, intercultural dialogue, countering violent extremism, racism and xenophobia  – The aim is to introduce the themes to all participants (as the event is open to all) and further elaborate on the continued relevance of these themes.

Panel discussion sessions, these panel discussions include representatives of many different backgrounds who will highlight the usefulness of creating a comparative perspective, being open to ideas from other countries (regions), and finding common goals and policy approaches.

Practical working groups/workshops for participants to introduce them to new skills and knowledge with final cooperation results. (Workshop agenda for organizations/individuals related with strengthening cohesion for more inclusive Europe)

Public debates agenda

1st of July 2021, Hamburg – ARRIVAL DAY

All day arrival from (Estonia, Lithuania, Sweden, Spain, Netherlands, Germany), opening + dinner.


10.00 – 10.30 Opening Speeches:

Mr. Vassili Golikov, (Sillamäe Society for Child Welfare, Estonia) project leader,
Mr. Uwe Schmidt (Bramfelder Kulturladen e.V, Germany) host organisation
Hamburg City representative (TBA).

10.30 – 12.00 Keynote speakers:

  • “Comparative perspective on maintaining and strengthening social cohesion in terms of German and European integration policy” – representative of Berlin Institute for Integration and Migration Research or KAS
  • “Countering violent extremism, racism and xenophobia in terms of vulnerable groups through elimination of racial discrimination” – Tahir Abbas, Associate Professor, Institute of Security and Global Affairs, Leiden University, Netherlands (online)
  • The process of identification and formation of new national/ethnic minorities and their interaction with the state in terms of integration policy” – Prof. Dr. Vello Pettai, Director of European Centre for Minority Issues

12.00 – 12.30 Coffee Break

11.30 – 13.00 Panel discussion: “Inclusion of children, young people and seniors of vulnerable groups (migrants, minorities and refugees) into social life as equal member of society”

  • Representative of Konrad Adenauer Stiftung or the city of Hamburg (TBC)
  • Representative of Flüchtlingszentrum Hamburg or Bramfelder Kulturladen e.V (TBC)
  • Susanne Kallanvaara, teacher at Burgårdens gymnasium (Sweden)
  • Vulnerable groups representative (migrant, minority or refugee) from Germany (TBA)
  • Auguste Dudutyte, refugee integration coordinator at VA Caritas (Lithuania)
  • Xavier Baró Urbea, founder of Association of Human Rights Educators (Spain)

14.00 – 15.00 Lunch

15.00 – 18.00 Public debates II part (Sharing best practices and opinions)

German experience (Benjamin Welling, European Democrats Students) and (Bruno Felgentreu, ERDC)
Swedish experience (Johanes Nordström, Munkebäcksgymnasiet) and (Anna Liza Starkova, Lund University)
Spanish experience (Ljubov Lissina, AHEAD…….)

16.00 – 16.15 Coffee Break

16.15 – 17.45 Public debates II part (Sharing best practices and opinions)

Estonian experience (Vassili Golikov, SSCW), and Integration Foundation representative
Lithuania experience (Dovile Rudzenske, Youth Centre Babilonas)
Dutch experience (Erik-Jan Post, Theathership) and Studends of University of Leiden

17.45 – 18.00 Summary

19.00 – 21.00 Official dinner + Free time

3rd of July 2021, Hamburg – DISCUSSIONS AND DEVELOPING CONTENT FOR EUROPEAN REPORT (working in groups)

Goal: Participants of the project exchange ideas, get new experiences, train their social skills, examine their attitudes and reflect on their values.

10.00 – 13.00 Public Debates III part (stories, ideas)

– Sharing experiences of vulnerable groups on inclusion, participation and stigmatisation etc.

– Developing and gathering data for a content of European report in six working groups.

13.00 – 14.00 Lunch

14.00 – 18.00 Public debates IV part (Working groups)

Finalisation of content proposals for European Report

19.00 – 21.00 Official Dinner

4th of July 2021

Summary of the event and follow up / Departure

Project is co-funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Europe for Citizens programme.